Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 43 in review

Week 43 was a great week in terms of training.

Accomplishment #1: Walked 8 1/2 miles. Did 1 1/2 of interval training, a 3 mi with an increased speed of 3.2 rather than 3, and did a 4 mile walk with Princess J.

Accomplishment #2: Maintained a low carb diet for a week! With the small exception of a piece of cake for mother's day, NO BREADY CARBS!!!!!! Yay me! I did big grocery shopping on Wednesday and went with no/low carb stuff I love, instead of focusing on what I couldn't have. Today will be my week weigh in, so I am curious to see what the scale's verdict is. I did totally go off the wagon last night, I think out of fear. So before I have a chance to really blow it, I need to get on that scale today to get a fair estimate of it this is working or not.

What I need to improve on:
Really need to get the interval walks in. Yesterday was Monday, so rest day. I hate Mondays. Really hate Mondays. Did a rest day on Sunday just because I was still a bit tuckered out from the 4 miles on Saturday. So my goal this morning is to get on the treadmill. I just feel so tired recently. Just need a jolt of motivation, I think.

Need some time to sort through my clothes as well. Last night I wimped out on a trip to the park on one of the nicest days we've had so far, just b/c I couldn't find anything to wear. With the weight gain over the fall and winter, I don't have many if any summer clothes that aren't too tight. And damn it, I hate shopping for bigger clothes. That just sucks...But I got really discouraged when everything I grabbed was too tight. Hmmm...perhaps that's why the tostitos scoops were calling my name last night? But need to get a couple of outfits that will work.

And to end on a positive note, Princess J went to hear Jeff Galloway speak at a meeting here in Cincy last Wednesday. He stressed the importance of just getting the mileage in. He said speed will come, if you just get the distance in. So, here's hope that if I will just get moving, speed will come. Aha! It always comes back to overcoming inertia, huh?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog but noticed you haven't posted anything in a few months. Hope you've been able to stay with your training. I'm running the Princess Half next year too!
