Sunday, May 1, 2011

A bit about food

Training is primarily the "doing" but for me, I realize the food is also part of the plan. Planning is key, so I am going to start some blog posts just about my food strategy, if you will.

Again for me, breakfast is rarely a problem. On good or routine days, my staple is a Special K protein bar ( those peanut butter & chocolate ones!) or 2 baby bel cheeses. On a weekend or hungry day, a bowl or two of cheerios usually works great. Once every couple of weeks, DH makes homemade French Toast, which is too good of a treat to pass up. I just need to be mindful of portions & add some protein to the entree, as well as limiting carbs the rest of the day.

Here is where lack of planning gets me in trouble every time. Work is often so hectic I don't make the time to have my mid morning snack. As a result, I am typically hungry when lunch time rolls around. If I haven't packed, you can almost bet I am going to make a bad choice. If I get too hungy and yet I have packed, I will still usually make a bad choice. My best stragegy is to EAT A MID MORNING SNACK and pack something I actually enjoy for lunch.

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