Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I am a runner!

I am a runner, I am a runner, I am a runner!!!!!!!

Now, I realize that sounds incredibly stupid from some who is training for a half marathon, but my goal was simply to walk and beat a 16min/mile pace. Beating the pace is still the goal (I am still very slow) but as I have been training/researching, Galloway's walk/run made so much sense to me. Princess J trained with a local Galloway group and has been encouraging me to give it a try. So with much trepidation, I asked another friend who is a nutritionist/trainer to give me some tips about form, etc. Well, shock of all shocks, she says I have near perfect form and had me run intervals and I did it without having a heart attack!

I am pumped! I know I am no where near being able to sustain 13.1 miles yet and I am definitely way over pace at the moment, but I NEVER thought I could run. This is the first time in my entire 41 years that I ran and did it without pain or falling or hating every second. I feel like today was a total game changer for me. There is a lot of work left to do, but I feel like not only will I be able to cross that finish line, I will be able to RUN across it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If anyone is counting

Just to be clear on how I am counting:

Weeks are started on Sunday, as Sunday-- Feb 26,2012-- is race day.

We are currently in week 42, with Sunday May 8 being 42 Sundays before race day.

There, I feel better getting that straight!

Week 43 in review

Week 43 was a great week in terms of training.

Accomplishment #1: Walked 8 1/2 miles. Did 1 1/2 of interval training, a 3 mi with an increased speed of 3.2 rather than 3, and did a 4 mile walk with Princess J.

Accomplishment #2: Maintained a low carb diet for a week! With the small exception of a piece of cake for mother's day, NO BREADY CARBS!!!!!! Yay me! I did big grocery shopping on Wednesday and went with no/low carb stuff I love, instead of focusing on what I couldn't have. Today will be my week weigh in, so I am curious to see what the scale's verdict is. I did totally go off the wagon last night, I think out of fear. So before I have a chance to really blow it, I need to get on that scale today to get a fair estimate of it this is working or not.

What I need to improve on:
Really need to get the interval walks in. Yesterday was Monday, so rest day. I hate Mondays. Really hate Mondays. Did a rest day on Sunday just because I was still a bit tuckered out from the 4 miles on Saturday. So my goal this morning is to get on the treadmill. I just feel so tired recently. Just need a jolt of motivation, I think.

Need some time to sort through my clothes as well. Last night I wimped out on a trip to the park on one of the nicest days we've had so far, just b/c I couldn't find anything to wear. With the weight gain over the fall and winter, I don't have many if any summer clothes that aren't too tight. And damn it, I hate shopping for bigger clothes. That just sucks...But I got really discouraged when everything I grabbed was too tight. Hmmm...perhaps that's why the tostitos scoops were calling my name last night? But need to get a couple of outfits that will work.

And to end on a positive note, Princess J went to hear Jeff Galloway speak at a meeting here in Cincy last Wednesday. He stressed the importance of just getting the mileage in. He said speed will come, if you just get the distance in. So, here's hope that if I will just get moving, speed will come. Aha! It always comes back to overcoming inertia, huh?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monthly Training Summary--April 2011

OK, although sad & pathetic, here it is:

Calendar Notes By Date:

Date: Apr 26, 2011
Time: 7:38
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.56 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:14 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 25, 2011
Time: 7:39
Type of day: Recovery
Date: Apr 24, 2011
Time: 7:41
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.06 (mi)
Duration: 0:20:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 18:52 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 23, 2011
Time: 20:53
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.56 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:14 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 22, 2011
Time: 7:39
Type of day: Normal
Notes: 5237 ped steps

Date: Apr 20, 2011
Time: 21:03
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 3.00 (mi)
Notes: 12,088 ped steps

Date: Apr 15, 2011
Time: 8:27
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.55 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:21 (m/mi)
Notes: 3370 steps for walk

Date: Apr 14, 2011
Time: 20:56
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 2.00 (mi)
Duration: 0:40:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 20:00 (m/mi)
Notes: 8248 ped steps

Date: Apr 12, 2011
Time: 7:47
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.25 (mi)
Duration: 0:23:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 18:24 (m/mi)
Notes: Interval

Date: Apr 9, 2011
Time: 8:08
Type of day: Workout
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Notes: 3225 ped steps


Date: Apr 6, 2011
Time: 21:27
Type of day: Workout
Duration: 1:00:00 (H:M:S)
Notes: 6255 ped steps

Date: Apr 2, 2011
Time: 8:22
Type of day: Normal
Notes: 4061 ped steps

Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.56 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:14 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 25, 2011
Time: 7:39
Type of day: Recovery
Date: Apr 24, 2011
Time: 7:41
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.06 (mi)
Duration: 0:20:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 18:52 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 23, 2011
Time: 20:53
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.56 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:14 (m/mi)
Date: Apr 22, 2011
Time: 7:39
Type of day: Normal
Notes: 5237 ped steps

Date: Apr 20, 2011
Time: 21:03
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 3.00 (mi)
Notes: 12,088 ped steps

Date: Apr 15, 2011
Time: 8:27
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.55 (mi)
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 19:21 (m/mi)
Notes: 3370 steps for walk

Date: Apr 14, 2011
Time: 20:56
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 2.00 (mi)
Duration: 0:40:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 20:00 (m/mi)
Notes: 8248 ped steps

Date: Apr 12, 2011
Time: 7:47
Type of day: Workout
Distance: 1.25 (mi)
Duration: 0:23:00 (H:M:S)
Pace: 18:24 (m/mi)
Notes: Interval

Date: Apr 9, 2011
Time: 8:08
Type of day: Workout
Duration: 0:30:00 (H:M:S)
Notes: 3225 ped steps


Date: Apr 6, 2011
Time: 21:27
Type of day: Workout
Duration: 1:00:00 (H:M:S)
Notes: 6255 ped steps

Date: Apr 2, 2011
Time: 8:22
Type of day: Normal
Notes: 4061 ped steps

Week 44 in review & Looking ahead to next week

Hey gang! If anyone is counting, we are beginning week 43 of training! It is pretty scary to think that there are only 43 sundays left until race day...

So, training this week kind of sucked. Tuesday I did a great interval walk. Got my pace up to 19:14 comfortably. I did a 20 minute walk last Sunday with a pace of 18:15. However, I could only keep at it for 20 minutes. I did do over a mile, but it was a bit too much.

I have decided Monday is always going to be a rest day. Mondays are just too hard in general, and let's face it, getting up extra to get a walk in just f*----- sucks, when you don't want to get out of bed to start with.

But back to last week's training...So did a great walk on Tuesday. Wednesday was the planned 3mi with Princess J. Unfortunately, there were tornado warnings everywhere, and even our back up treadmill location was requiring everyone to get out in the halls and away from the windows. Needless to say, we canceled the walk. It was the rest of the day then that just went to hell in a handbasket. DH was being all pooey (I think it was his every 6th week PMS time), so to compensate, I took DS for the afternoon and forfeited my time. I then proceeded to start a pity party for myself and ended up eating 1/2 a bag of cheetos for dinner. Uuuugh!! I hate when I make bad decisions and do s*-- like that! Thursday was totally off at work and I made the incredibly bad choice of a Frisch's Swiss Miss for breakfast, and let's just say the day went down hill from there. Thursday night/Friday morning DS woke me up with projectile vomiting @ 1am. I was up the rest of the night with poor darling...I had meant to get up to watch the Royal Wedding, but that wasn't quite what I had in mind! I worked Friday on about 3 hours of sleep, and not surprisingly, ate crap -- chips & queso, ritz crackers all day. Uuuugh!!! At least Saturday I got back on track!

Today Princess J & I went to the Flying Pig expo here in Cincinnati for inspiration. I got some cute stuff (more on that later) but most of all, we got to see the Princess Medal at the Run Disney booth. It was totally inspiring that we got to see & touch that gorgeous tiara medal!!!

So, looking ahead to next week, a huge priority is grocery shopping, prepping, & packing for later today. I have, at least in my head, come to grips that I have to give up or at minimum a 3 bite rule, for my beloved bready carbs. I have got to get some success on the scale to help increase my pace, so I need to make some better choices and have a plan.

Here's what I am thinking for this week:
Salami rolls & oriental salad
Low carb crepes for all kinds of things-- breakfast burritos, quiche crusts, no noodle lasagna
Berries & melon
Fresh mozzarella with grape tomatoes & pesto
Cucumbers & hummus
Chicken cherron
Mom's pot roast & veggies
Salad greens
General Tzo's chicken
Chicken cesar salad
Apples & Peanut butter
Roasted vegetables

My thoughts are trying to focus on things I love, not things that I need to avoid. Let's see how this goes, and I will keep on posting!

A bit about food

Training is primarily the "doing" but for me, I realize the food is also part of the plan. Planning is key, so I am going to start some blog posts just about my food strategy, if you will.

Again for me, breakfast is rarely a problem. On good or routine days, my staple is a Special K protein bar ( those peanut butter & chocolate ones!) or 2 baby bel cheeses. On a weekend or hungry day, a bowl or two of cheerios usually works great. Once every couple of weeks, DH makes homemade French Toast, which is too good of a treat to pass up. I just need to be mindful of portions & add some protein to the entree, as well as limiting carbs the rest of the day.

Here is where lack of planning gets me in trouble every time. Work is often so hectic I don't make the time to have my mid morning snack. As a result, I am typically hungry when lunch time rolls around. If I haven't packed, you can almost bet I am going to make a bad choice. If I get too hungy and yet I have packed, I will still usually make a bad choice. My best stragegy is to EAT A MID MORNING SNACK and pack something I actually enjoy for lunch.