Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pefect World...

Training has been going well.  I started in earnest Dec 30, 2010.  You know--I had to start before Jan 1st.  Everyone knows that people who start Jan 1st are going to fail, and by God...this time I am not going to fail!!!

The first two weeks were really good.  This past week, however, was a bit of a mess.  New babysitter, new school schedule for wee one, snow days with work canceled, and a great flourish to the week, a tummy bug running rampant through my house.  Uuugh!  My treadmill thinks I have abandoned her, I am totally missing my internet smut that keeps me occupied during my training sessions, and the healthy food I bought last week is still in my refrigerator, decomposing as I write.   But this is life, eh?  I don't have a perfect life, nor do I live in a perfect world.  The million dollar question is always, how do you keep on track when despite your best intentions, your imperfect life derails you? 

 Here are my thoughts:
  Today I will make it happen.  Just for thirty minutes.  If it works out for more, then great.  But at least I am going to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

I have a plan for my food this week.
Breakfast doesn't seem to be an issue.  So I am not going to worry about it.
Lunch.  I want something satisfying... I am feeling kind of empty if all I do is a grilled chicken ceasar at lunch, although I love them.  I am thinking BBQ meat balls with oriental salad and some fruit.  Warm and filling yet good protein with fun crunch of salad.  Mmmm...
Dinner.  I am going to utilize my resources on this one.
Options for the week
     Meatloaf w/ smashed cauliflower
     Turkey kilbasa & sauerkraut
     Veggie lasagna & salad
     Chicken mole`
     Chicken cherron`
     Pan fried fish w/ baked sweet potato fries

The beef should be coming soon, so we can add beef stew, cube steak, and grilled steaks to the mix...yummm...

I am working to earn a timex iron man watch.  I want the one on the Galloway site.  If I food journal everyday and get in my training schedule for the next two weeks, it's mine!!!

Training schedule, what training schedule, you say?  Well, sort of forgot to mention that hmmm...For now here is the plan.

Training Schedule
(taken from John Bigham's book, "Marathoning for Mortals")
Walk every day for 30 minutes.  2 rest days permitted.  1 long walk per week.
I should be on week three.  However, I feel like I need a week two do-over, as week two only had two walks this week.
So, walk every day for 30 minutes.  2 rest days permitted.  1 long walk of 3 miles this week.

Princess Jennifer M. and I have committed to  the Louisville 5K.  We totally need a short term goal.  I am going to have to chat with her about details, etc.  Oh, and signing up would be a good start too!

I am off to convert some contemplation stage into action stage...